June 14, 2010
A vote on firearms microstamping (S. 6005A) could happen at any time. In response to collective efforts by NSSF and our allies in the Second Amendment community to defeat this flawed technology, New York City politicians, including Mayor Michael Bloomberg, are trying to bully state Senators into supporting this gun ban — and make no mistake, microstamping is a gun ban.
If S. 6005A passes, firearms manufacturers would be forced to abandon the New York market rather than spend the astronomical sums of money necessary to completely reconfigure their manufacturing and assembly processes. In addition, this bill could result in hundreds of layoffs for New York workers as firearm factories consider moving out of the state.
Like California, the "Empire State" is broke. Still, anti-gun legislators are trying to force taxpayers to spend millions on expensive new high-tech scanning electron microscopes and patented bar code reading equipment in support of microstamping.
Now is the time to tell Albany to stop wasting your hard-earned money on gadgets, like microstamping, that don't work!
Microstamping is a patented, sole-sourced technology that independent studies, including those from the National Academy of Sciences and the University of California at Davis, proved to be flawed and easily defeated by criminals in mere seconds.
This bill directly impacts you – it will ban your firearms.
With Mayor Bloomberg and his cronies ratcheting up the pressure on keys senators, it is imperative that sportsmen, hunters and gun-owners continue to reach out to their state senator and urge him or her to oppose Senate Bill 6005A (firearms microstamping). Don't let New York City politicians ban your firearms!
Companion legislation has already passed the New York Assembly. This bill must be defeated in the New York State Senate.
Please, call your state senator today!
Learn more about microstamping by viewing the NSSF Microstamping Fact Sheet.
Categories: Government Relations, Top Stories