May 31, 2011
White House to Gun Ban Groups: “We’re working on it.”
The Washington Post has reported that President Obama recently discussed his administration’s intentions concerning gun control with Jim and Sarah Brady, founders of the anti-gun group the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence.
According to the story, Sarah Brady said the president volunteered: “I just want you to know that we are working on it (gun control). We have to go through a few processes, but under the radar.”
What exactly does “under the radar” mean?
Well, Mrs. Brady also told the Washington Post that she and her husband had absolute confidence that the president was “committed to regulation.” It would seem to me that this would also include “executive orders.”
Identifying and opposing gun control via regulations and executive orders is more difficult than fighting legislation. This strategy is a clear reflection of the House and Senate having pro-gun, pro-sportsmen and pro-industry majorities.
Mostly, however, this demonstrates that the concerns held by law-abiding gun owners toward the intentions of the Obama Administration may be well-founded. And, of course, restricting the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding Americans is a concern for our industry as well.
Categories: Government Relations, Top Stories