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June 29, 2011

Coalition Applauds Introduction of Legislation to End Sunday Hunting Ban in PA

Executives from America’s leading conservation, sportsmen’s and hunting organizations are applauding the introduction of legislation (HB 1760) to end the ban on Sunday hunting in the Keystone State.  The introduction of HB 1760 follows passage yesterday of a resolution by the Pennsylvania Game Commission calling for an end to the hunting ban. Lifting the ban shifts authority to regulate Sunday hunting from the General Assembly, where it currently resides, to the Game Commission.

Members of the Sunday Hunting coalition are encouraging all sportsmen in Pennsylvania to contact their state legislators and urge them to co-sponsor HB 1760.

Allowing hunters in Pennsylvania to go afield on Sundays is part of larger effort to increase participation in hunting that also involves improving access and opportunity for sportsmen living in the state.  Since most hunters take to the field on weekends, removing barriers to Sunday hunting will effectively double the value of each hunter’s license.

The benefits of Sunday hunting, however, would not be limited to the sportsmen’s community. An economic impact report released by the coalition has found that removal of Sunday hunting restrictions would result in an estimated 8,190 new Pennsylvania jobs. The report also notes that these jobs would pay more than $245 million in wages and contribute approximately $765 million in additional economic activity to the state.  Given this potential economic boom, the coalition is moving forward rapidly.

The coalition thanks Reps. John R. Evans (R) and Edward G. Staback (D), co-chairmen of the Game and Fisheries Committee, for their leadership on this very important issue. This action by the legislature demonstrates its recognition that matters concerning wildlife management, including Sunday hunting, are the proper jurisdiction of the Game Commission.

The Sunday hunting coalition includes the National Shooting Sports Foundation, National Rifle Association, Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation, Archery Trade Association, Boone and Crockett Club, Cabela’s, Delta Waterfowl, Mule Deer Foundation, National Assembly of Sportsmen’s Caucuses, Pheasants Forever, Quail Forever, Quality Deer Management Association, Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, Safari Club International, U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance and the Wildlife Management Institute.

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