December 9, 2024
Emerging Cyber Threats in the Firearm Industry (On-Demand Webinar)
The firearm industry faces a range of emerging cyber threats that pose significant risks to manufacturers, retailers, ranges and consumers alike. As part of NSSF’s ongoing efforts through Project CyberSafe™ to help bring the industry the information they can use, we welcome Steve Leventhal, CEO of The Fellsway Group, to share critical cybersecurity issues facing the firearm industry and actions you can take to secure your business.
In this on-demand webinar, Leventhal highlights various cyber threats like ransomware and phishing, stressing the importance of protecting sensitive data. Severe consequences of breaches, including legal and reputational risks, are discussed. Key cybersecurity measures such as employee training, multifactor authentication, securing e-commerce platforms and proactive steps to address supply chain vulnerabilities are emphasized.
Categories: BP Item, Bullet Points, Education, Featured, Manufacturers, Ranges, Retailers, Top Stories