October 27, 2010
Firearms Industry Lauds Support of Congressman Kind
The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF), the trade association for the firearms and ammunition industry, thanks Rep. Ron Kind (D-Wisc.) for his steadfast and long-standing commitment to promoting and protecting the Second Amendment rights of all law-abiding Americans.
Earlier this year, Rep. Kind, a national leader in protecting the rights of sportsmen, hunters and gun owners, introduced legislation correcting a longstanding inequity in the Internal Revenue Code by permitting firearm and ammunition manufacturers to pay the federal excise tax payment on a quarterly basis, like other industries that support conservation through a federal excise tax.
The firearm and ammunition excise tax is the major revenue source for funding the Wildlife Restoration Trust Fund (also known as the Pittman Robertson Trust Fund). Last year, firearm and ammunition manufacturers contributed approximately $450 million dollars to wildlife conservation through excise tax payments.
Passage of the firearms and ammunition excise tax reform legislation would not have been possible without the support of Rep. Kind.
Categories: Government Relations, Top Stories