April 5, 2021
Hunters and Target Shooters Have Provided More Than $15 Billion for Conservation So Far
Since the late 1930s, hunters, target shooters and the firearm industry have been the nation’s largest contributors to conservation, paying for programs that benefit America’s wildlife and all who love the outdoors.
How it Works
Hunters and target shooters purchase guns and ammunition. Manufacturers pay federal excise taxes on guns and ammunition. Revenue from these excise taxes is distributed to state wildlife agencies. State wildlife agencies use these funds to purchase land for wildlife habitat and to manage wildlife populations. In turn, millions of acres of important habitat have been set aside to help ensure future wildlife abundance.
NSSF has created this shareable content to illustrate how we as an industry and as sportsmen are the greatest contributors to wildlife conservation in America, providing more than $15 billion over the past 80 years.
Please spread this message far and wide. Share it on social media, post it to your websites — let the world know about America’s original and largest contributors to conservation: hunters, shooters and the firearm industry.
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Categories: BP Item, Conservation, Education, Featured, Hunting, Shooting