July 16, 2020
Moms Demand No Cops and No Guns
Head Mom Shannon Watts has a new demand. When America is done giving up their guns, she wants police to go next.
Shannon Watts, head of the Michael Bloomberg-funded Moms Demand Action, told Fortune magazine that, “Police violence is gun violence.”
Watts has dropped a lot of outrageous remarks, but this is beyond the pale. Her “woke” awareness is leaving her blind to the rampant lawlessness plaguing urban communities and instead following misguided and vindictive policies perpetuated by politicians chasing after “Defund the Police” demands. Left in the wake are cries of citizens left vulnerable to the cruel and heartless criminals running rampant.
Abhorrent Accusations
Watts equates any criminal activity with all guns. Since cops carry guns, they must be bad too. This exposes Watts, Moms Demand and her benefactor antigun billionaire Michael Bloomberg for their removed-from-reality views they are forcing on the rest of America. Watts knows the charade is over. More than 2.5 million Americans stopped listening to her and her gun control cronies and bought a gun between March and May. Firearm sales are through the roof.
The problem isn’t police. The problem isn’t law-abiding gun owners. The problem is crime. Watts willingly plays along with mob demands to blame crime on the very people who protect us from crime.
It’s not new to her. She painted all police with a broad racist brush after the 2018 death of Stephon Clark of Sacramento. Before the facts of the case were known, Watts charged, tried and convicted the police in the court of public opinion as racist killers. She equated the tragic death with the horrific church murders in Charleston, S.C. The Sacramento County district attorney investigated and refused to charge the police in the incident.
Watts Ignores Crimes
In Watts’s mind, though, they were already guilty. Then, and now, Watts clings to the theory that if anyone carries a gun, whether that is in the line of duty or for self-protection, they are guilty. Watts’s endless blame game of guns has turned her blind to the criminals bringing violence to urban centers.
Watts was suspiciously silent when “Raz the Warlord” was passing out rifles from the trunk of his car in Seattle. She didn’t speak up when two were killed there, including a teen. Watts had nothing to say about the skyrocketing crime plaguing Chicago or the murderers that killed a 1-year-old child in New York City.
Meanwhile African-American communities are demanding Democratic Mayor Bill de Blasio to restore police units he slashed. The communities Watts claims to protect are crying out for police departments to restore cops to their neighborhoods to push back a criminal element that’s growing bolder.
Watts knows her influence is waning. Two and half million people woke up to their Second Amendment rights, walked away from her fearmongering and she knows she’s no longer relevant. Dare disagree with her and soon she’ll demand that you too must go.
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