September 21, 2022
NSSF PROFILE Q & A: U.S. Rep. Lisa McClain (R-Mich.)
Editor’s Note: We are pleased to post the latest of our occasional Q&A features with an elected official who supports hunting and the shooting sports. We thank U.S. Rep. Lisa McClain (R-Mich.) for agreeing to talk with us.
1) Who introduced you to hunting and the shooting sports?
I grew up in Michigan, and hunting has always been a big deal there. Especially in the thumb area that I represent now, the overwhelming majority of people are hunters. So, I grew up knowing what opening day was every year and having friends that would take trips up North to hunt throughout the season. It’s a part of being a Michigander.
2) What was your most recent hunting or shooting sports experience?
While my Congressional schedule doesn’t give me a ton of time to hunt or shoot anymore, I try and make time to head to the range every once in a while. So, my most recent experience was a few months ago at a local range in Michigan with some friends.
3) Describe your favorite hunting or shooting sports activity.
I have always enjoyed heading to the range and having friendly sharp-shooter competitions with friends and family. We keep it at the “just for fun” level and end up having a blast every time.
4) What are your priorities related to the Second Amendment and why is the firearm industry particularly important to you?
There have been several pieces of legislation passed by Democrats this year relating to guns, but what is most important to me is the effort to federalize red flag laws. Democrats have been trying to stick red flag laws in just about every piece of legislation they possibly can, from the NDAA to funding bills for the government each year. I have always, and will always, oppose red flag laws, and I’m constantly on the lookout for lines in Democratic legislation that could point to including these unconstitutional provisions.
5) What do you see as the challenges and opportunities for hunters and shooting sports enthusiasts?
The biggest challenge right now is the relentless efforts of the anti-Second Amendment groups that are fighting tooth and nail to limit our right to keep and bear arms. This impacts every gun owner in America, including hunters and those who participate in shooting sports. However, I see an opportunity to change the narrative of the gun debate by highlighting what hunting and shooting sports contribute to society. There is so much good that comes from these efforts that we should never downplay it during times of debate.
Categories: Featured, Government Relations, Top Stories