July 25, 2018
NSSF Q&A: U.S. Representative Collin Peterson (D-Minn.)
Editor’s Note: We are pleased to post the latest of our occasional Q&A features with an elected official who supports hunting and the shooting sports. NSSF thanks U.S. Rep. Collin Peterson (D-Minn.) for agreeing to talk with us.
Who introduced you to hunting/the shooting sports and at what age?
Spending time in the outdoors is just a way of life for me. I have been hunting since I was young and it’s a pastime I have shared with many generations of my family.
What was your most recent shooting sports/hunting activity? With whom?
This past fall, I took Rep. Tom Souzzi duck hunting back in Minnesota. Back in May, I took Rep. Erik Paulsen and Rep. Keith Ellison turkey hunting on two consecutive weekends during the spring jake season and each was able to get a turkey. It really is a testament to how our love for the great outdoors can bring us together, regardless of political persuasions. I often joke that some of Congress’ best work comes out of a duck blind or a deer stand.
Describe your favorite shooting sport/hunting activity? Which gun?
Being from Western Minnesota, we have great hunting of all sorts of game. Be it our fall pheasant shoots, great wetlands, or abundant deer, those of us in Minnesota are lucky to live in a hunter’s paradise. That said, I particularly like shooting a Benelli Super Black Eagle II when duck hunting.
Which piece of pending legislation related to the firearms industry is particularly important to you and why?
While I could list a wide range of industry-specific legislation which I have strongly supported and advocated for over the years, the legislation that I continue to focus on most would be the Farm Bill. No other reauthorization does more for conservation and habitat management. Without a doubt, farmers create more wildlife habitat that our hunters rely on more than any other industry.
What do you see as the challenges and opportunities for hunters and shooting sports enthusiasts in this congressional session?
I think we have a real opportunity to move some prominent legislation this Congress that will do a lot to benefit outdoorsmen, like protect access to public lands, maintain access to traditional ammunitions and fishing tackle, and create and protect habitat. Our nation’s economy relies on sportsmen and women, farmers, and a strong rural America, and it’s our job to educate on the importance of these American traditions.
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Categories: BP Item, Featured, Government Relations, Hunting, Shooting, Top Stories