February 19, 2009
Redesigned Hunting News Section
On the National Shooting Sports Foundation Web site, see the redesigned Hunting News section.
Also, a nice column today by Ken Perrotte in the Fredericksburg Free-Lance Star using stats provided by NSSF that puts the size and economic importance of hunting into perspective. Perrotte notes that only exercise equipment exceeded hunting in total retail dollar sales for equipment and gear:
Exercise equipment was forecast to end the 2008 year with $5.4 billion in sales followed by hunting with $3.9 billion. Golf equipment was third with $3.7 billion.
With 14.4 million certified-paid hunting-license holders, more people hunt than play soccer (14 million), tennis (10.4 million), mountain bike (8.5 million), canoe (7.1 million) or ski (6.4 mil-lion).
Those 14.4 million license holders generated $764 million in licenses, tags, permits and conservation stamp sales. This fuels operations of state fish and game agencies and pays for land conservation nationwide. This doesn't include the many millions more in excise taxes also going to state conservation agencies through the Pittman-Robertson Wildlife Restoration and Sport Fish Restoration programs.
Southwick's research showed the average hunter spends $17,836 on primary equipment in his or her lifetime. Target shooters, which include trap and skeet enthusiasts, spend an average of $23,664. Related lifetime expenses for hunters were reported at $63,634, with target shooters spending $75,359.
Categories: Hunting