November 24, 2015
Retail Compliance Expert Kevin McKown Added to 2016 SHOT Show Speaker Lineup
I am pleased to announce that veteran retail compliance expert Kevin McKown will be joining our impressive roster of speakers presenting at the 2016 SHOT Show University.
Currently the Senior Director of Regulatory and Firearm Compliance with retail giant Gander Mountain, McKown, who has been with the company for more than 25 years, is also a U.S. Navy veteran and life-long hunter and clay target shooter. Of his dedicated work with Gander Mountain, McKown says, “I am so fortunate to have the opportunity to mentor, educate, coach and instill my own principles with every facet of the firearms industry,” while emphasizing that “being prepared,” “trust but verify” and “inspect what you expect” are words he lives by everyday when working with the myriad store associates and managers who handle firearms transactions.
McKown will be leading the presentation “Compliance from Behind the Counter,” part of SHOT Show University’s newest Compliance learning track. His presentation will discuss how to prioritize compliance in a top-to-bottom process from customer transactions and back office record keeping to inventory practices and review planning that minimizes errors and improves in-store efficiencies. Other components of this learning track include the sessions “When You Are Inspected: The ATF Inspection Process,” “ATF Form 4473 Review,” and “A&D Record Review.”
Registration for the 2016 SHOT Show and SHOT Show University are now open. Following last year’s success with ticket restructuring, once again NSSF will offer its Premium Retailer members one complimentary ticket to SHOT Show University. Tickets for any other NSSF member level and additional tickets for Premium Retailer members are $250. Non-NSSF members are welcome to attend, with a ticket price of $500. This event is always a sell-out, so retailers are urged to complete their registration for the show and SHOT Show University as soon as possible. For more information, including the link to the full University course description, click here. Need to upgrade your membership or join NSSF? Visit www.nssf.org and click on the membership link.