January 22, 2018
SHOT Show Update: Today’s SHOT Week Highlights
Welcome to the 2018 SHOT Show, it’s officially SHOT Week! Welcome to Las Vegas for the 40th anniversary of the SHOT Show. Here are some updates and information to help you get prepped for the busy week ahead.
Stay Informed
Here are just a few ways to keep in touch with everything that’s going on this week.
- SHOT Show TV & YouTube — It’s everywhere! Check the Las Vegas Tourism and Convention Channel at your hotel (Channel 5 in the Venitian/Pallazzo) each morning before the show and after each day’s events to see everything the show has to offer. For all SHOT Show TV product highlights, interviews and overall show coverage, visit the SHOT Show Youtube Channel.
- SHOT News — Get all the news that every attendee needs to make their SHOT Show experience more complete.
- Facebook and Twitter — For real-time highlights and breaking news from the show, SHOT Show’s Facebook page and Twitter feed are your instant-access points. Like ‘em, share ‘em, retweet ‘em and remember to use #SHOTShow so we know you’re with us.
- SHOT Show Instagram — Get some firearms eye candy on SHOT Show’s Instagram page.
- SHOT Show Mobile App — is available for download now. You’ll see a great deal of enhanced functionality this year, from real-time show announcements and the interactive floor maps, to meeting and scheduling functions, product information download capabilities (including product scanning at the New Product Center), SHOT Show video feeds and more.
Todays Highlights
Attend the Supplier Showcase
The Supplier Showcase takes place Jan. 22-23, in the 5th Floor Palazzo Ballroom of the Venetian. Let us know you and your staff are attending by completing the RSVP form and receive a voucher for a FREE lunch on Tuesday!
SHOT Show University
NSSF’s dedicated learning experience for retailers and range owners, providing business owners of all experience levels ways to improve their businesses. Check out the many sessions happening today from 8a.m. to 4:30p.m.
Monday Press Room Hours
The SHOT Show Press Room is open to credentialed members of the press from noon to 5 p.m. today. It will re-open at 7:30 a.m. Tuesday morning. You must have your SHOT Show badge to access the area. The Press Room is located on the third floor of the Venetian in the Murano Ballroom, up the escalators from the main show floor.
NSSF Member Reception
NSSF Members join us for beer, wine, appetizers and an evening of entertainment Taking place on the 4th floor of the Venetian from 5 to 6 p.m.! This event is only open to NSSF business members and RSVP is recommended.
Industry Day At The Range Transportation Schedule
All retail buyers planning to attend this afternoon’s events at Industry Day at the Range are provided shuttle bus transportation to and from the venue. Those taking private transportation will find directions to the range here.
Show Transportation
NSSF provides several ways to travel back and forth between your hotel and the show.
- Las Vegas Monorail — NSSF has secured discounted rates here
- Uber — Discount credit available here
- Lyft — Ride credit available here
There’s Still Time
Retail Seminar Sign up
Retailer Seminars taking place Tuesday through Thursday this week. If you’re interested in attending any of these seminars, simply visit us on Level 4 of the Venetian outside the Lando Ballroom to sign up for a class or two or three.
Jeff Foxworthy Tickets
You can still purchase tickets for two performances by Jeff Foxworthy in The Venetian Theatre during the SHOT Show on January 24-25 at 8 p.m. Tickets can be purchased online, at any Venetian or Palazzo Box office or by calling 702.414.9000 or 866.641.7469.
Categories: BP Item, Featured, Top Stories