February 28, 2018
ATF to Attend 2018 Firearms Industry Compliance Conference
NEWTOWN, Conn — Orchid Advisors, No. 1 in FFL Compliance Solutions, and NSSF, the firearms industry trade association, announce ATF attendance at the 5th annual Firearms Industry Compliance Conference (FICC), to be held May 16–18 in St. Paul, Minnesota. Registration is now open for the 2018 event, which will focus on “Diving into FFL and SOT Compliance Technology.”
“Over the last few years we’ve seen a significant focus on FFL and SOT technology,” said Jon Rydberg, CEO of Orchid Advisors. “And, during the 2018 SHOT Show®, we had repeated conversations with industry members who were in search of software-based solutions to address their ATF-, state- and international-compliance needs. It seems that every day more and more firearm business owners are evaluating new POS/ERP software, Electronic Bound Books, e-commerce and tools to speed NFA/suppressor applications. For that reason, we’ve partnered with NSSF to focus the 2018 FICC on FFL/SOT-compliance technology.”
Notable features of the 2018 FICC include:
- Sessions targeted at start-up, growing and mature companies that manufacture, import, export, distribute or sell firearms over the retail counter.
- One-on-one access to FBI NICS and several ATF deputy assistant directors and division chiefs who manage ATF inspections, NFA, firearms technology and more.
- A keynote session titled “A Look at Compliance in the Year 2020: How Today’s Initiatives Will Impact Firearm Operations, Compliance and Technology.”
- Detailed instruction on Form 4473, NFA Forms, Electronic Bound Book and ATF eForms technology and guidance on developing Firearms ITAR/Export-compliance programs.
“We are pleased to have the ATF participating in the 5th annual FICC. Industry members attending the conference benefit from hearing directly from ATF and having the opportunity to engage ATF in a dialogue about how they can better comply with the myriad of regulations,” said Lawrence Keane, NSSF Senior Vice President for Government and Public Affairs and General Counsel. “This year’s conference will equip attendees with compliance solutions for the ever-changing business landscape.”
Pre-conference sessions will be held on May 16 and are 2.5 hours in length. Each of the following courses will provide a “deep dive” into three hot topics in the firearms industry.
- An Immersion Course in Firearm Compliance for Start-up FFL/SOT and New Hires
- NFA Compliance – From A to Z delivered by personnel from the ATF
- Creating Manufacturing ERP System Controls That Drive Firearm Compliance
Conference registration and sponsorship opportunities can be found at www.ficconference.com.
About Orchid Advisors
Orchid Advisors provides ATF and ITAR compliance services to manufacturing, distribution, and retail FFL. The firm offers FFL and Export licensing, deep record inspections, e4473/NFA eForms and Electronic Bound Book software. In conjunction with NSSF, Orchid Advisors hosts the Firearm Industry Compliance Conference and operates the largest online ATF and ITAR compliance training platform available. Orchid Advisors’ unique staff of former firearm industry attorneys, former ATF, compliance professionals and software executives are passionate about eliminating FFL compliance. Visit orchidadvisors.com to learn more.
About NSSF
The National Shooting Sports Foundation is the trade association for the firearms industry. Its mission is to promote, protect and preserve hunting and the shooting sports. Formed in 1961, NSSF has a membership of more than 11,000 manufacturers, distributors, firearms retailers, shooting ranges, sportsmen’s organizations and publishers. For more information, visit nssf.org.
Orchid Advisors Contact: Michelle Ingram 860-656-8884 |
NSSF Contact: Mark Oliva 202-220-1340 x. 204 |
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