08/05/2025 - 08/07/2025Washington, D.C.
NSSF Annual Import/Export Conference
Save The Date:
The Premier Firearm Industry
Import / Export Conference –
From the Industry’s Trade Association!
Waldorf Astoria Hotel in Washington, D.C.
As the most widely attended and leading firearm industry specific Import/Export conference, we are excited to announce the official date of our 2025 conference is August 5-7. This year it is critical to attend due to the tumultuous tariff situation that directly affects industry. This conference will focus on the current import / export policies, licensing requirements, and what your company needs to know to continue your business. And as always, this be an engaging and informative occasion for your company to meet with members from various government agencies to discuss issues most important to your import and export business. NSSF is dedicated to leading the firearm industry with the most current and comprehensive IM/EX resources available.
Early-bird registration for the conference will be opening April 1. Mark your calendars!
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