Partners in Sustainable Funding and Conservation
Foster Hunting, the Shooting Sports, Archery and Sport Fishing

Partner with a Payer®

Partner with a Payer is an initiative of the Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration program involving state and industry partners. It was initiated with the goal of strengthening ties between the people who make this very successful conservation partnership work so well – manufacturers that pay excise taxes through the Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration Acts, and state agencies that conserve wildlife and habitat and the Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration program of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

Funded by the Wildlife Restoration Act (also known as the Pittman Robertson Act) excise taxes are collected from manufacturers in the hunting, shooting, and archery industries and funded by the Sport Fish Restoration Act (aka the Dingell-Johnson Act) marine manufacturers pay excise taxes on fishing gear and motorboat fuel. These industries and their connection with the Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration program in partnership with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife service have created not only strong industries but a very bright future for recreational hunting and shooting sports as well as sport fishing activities nationwide.

Many of you may be aware of all the great achievements that have been and continue to be accomplished with these excise tax dollars. Many more of you will likely be amazed as well as proud of the impact your contributions have made and continue to make to this highly effective effort.

NEW from USFWS Apportionment History Recalculated!

The following links report the historical Wildlife Restoration and the historical Sport Fish Restoration apportionment histories adjusted for inflation from their beginnings through year 2022. The information is presented in an interactive view and is reported by state.

Wildlife Restoration Apportionment Chart (1939 – 2023)

Sport Fish Restoration Apportionment Chart (1952 – 2023)

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The Teamwork of Conservation: Partnership in Manufacturing and Wildlife

Hunters and Anglers, as well as excise taxes paid by Firearms and Ammunition manufacturers are the primary drivers of restoration and conservation. In this video we learn about the contributions of one of these payers and how these funds are used to restore habitat, wildlife, and create new shooting and angling opportunities for American sportsmen and women.

Partner with a Payer is an initiative of the Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration program involving state and industry partners.



Elk Restoration with Pittman-Robertson Funding

Elk are vital in Pennsylvania, supporting a tourism industry, especially during the elk hunting season. This season attracts visitors and funds conservation via the Pittman-Robertson Act, which channels excise taxes from firearms and ammunition to wildlife restoration. The Pennsylvania Game Commission operates without state funds, relying on hunting licenses and Pittman-Robertson funds.



More Conservation and Wildlife Stories

Highlighting the Value of Prescribed Burns on Habitats

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Firearm and ammunition manufacturers are at the heart of the American conservation funding model.

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Preserving the Balance in Nature - Partners in Protecting North American Wildlife

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Powerful Allies in Conservation - Protecting and preserving for generations.

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Highlighting Sport Fish Restoration success in South Carolina.

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Who’s Got the Power? Understanding a power with great purpose.

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Interested in Hunter Education? See what training opportunities look like at Nevada’s Clark County Shooting Facility!

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This important work is done for the health and preservation of the Bighorn sheep population, as well as many other species – in return providing enjoyment for both hunters and non-hunters alike.

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Take a look at a state-of-the-art public shooting sport facility that excise taxes helped to build, get a glimpse of two firearm manufacturing facility tours. Hear from people on both sides of the Wildlife Restoration Act as to how it benefits all of us.

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Pennsylvania Partnerships—Highlighting Fish Conservation in Pennsylvania
Courtesy of USFWS


Conservation Made Possible in Missouri—Highlighting Industry Partnerships
Courtesy of USFWS and the Missouri Dept. of Conservation

USFWS staff and manufacturer Fiocchi of America Inc. near Ozark toured MDC’s Andy Dalton Shooting Range and Outdoor Education Center near Ash Grove.


St. Croix Rods Reels in Big Bucks for Conservation—Highlighting Industry Partnerships
Courtesy of USFWS


The Currency of Conservation—Archery’s Impact

Why these products are essentially the “Currency of Conservation.”


Target Ranges—Growing Opportunities
Courtesy of USFWS

Minnesota hosted the world’s largest trap shooting championship for high school teams – more than 340 teams representing over 7,900 student athletes were in attendance.



The message and the story about this funding and the cooperative partnership involved are both significant and important!  If you find that you are surprised, proud, or simply more informed by what you’ve found here, please take the time to share with your staff, co-workers, family and friends.

Thank You!


Wildlife & Sport Fish Restoration logo
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service logo
Archery Trade Association logo
NSSF-The Firearm Industry Trade Association logo
National Marine Manufacturers Association logo
American Sportfishing Association logo
American Fly Fishing Trade Association logo
Videos produced for the National Shooting Sports Foundation via Multistate Conservation Grant #F21AP00278-01 awarded by the Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration Programs of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). 2021.