Firearms Safety & Range Etiquette DVD
What if a child were to encounter a firearm in an unsupervised situation? NSSF addresses this safety concern through educational video programs appropriate for school safety curriculum. A general-audience program is also available that provides a review of safety rules for firearms owners. Another general-audience program is a great introduction to firearms safety rules and etiquette at the indoor range for those visiting for the first time and a great reminder for experienced shooters. Newly added, Project ChildSafe has teamed up with Julie Golob, a veteran, competitive shooting sports champion, hunter and mom, to discuss the importance of gun safety education. She’s joined by a group of kids whose thoughts about firearms will help inform parents about the best way to start a conversation. The result is an exclusive video — the first of its kind — to remind gun owners about the importance of having this conversation with their families.
Order TodayNSSF’s Firearm Safety DVD now offers five firearms safety videos. Preview the videos online:
- Molly’s Mischief: A gun safety message from McGruff the Crime Dog, for children in grades pre-K through 4.
- Not Cool, Kyle: A gun safety message from McGruff the Crime Dog, for children in K through early middle school.
These titles help teach students how to respond if they should encounter a firearm in an unsupervised situation at school, at home or at a friend’s home. - “Firearms Safety Depends on You” which covers the ten commandments of gun safety and is for audiences of all ages;
- “Introduction to Range Safety and Etiquette”
- “Have a Conversation with Kids about Firearm Safety” (general audience)
More resources for gun safety is available for parents and educators on the Project ChildSafe site.